Slackware mirror

Slackware penguin

Please visit the official Slackware site at for more info.

Slackware-current is synced twice a day (0200/1400 CET/CEST).

UiO (USIT) and Sikt has sponsored the machine, Sikt provides the 2x gigabit network connectivity. provides the domain name.


larstra at ifi uio no

04. Feb. 2022: Slackware 15.0 released and synced to mirror. Enjoy!
02. Jul. 2016: Slackware 14.2 released and synced to mirror. Enjoy!
10. Nov. 2013: All ISOs are now synced from the master mirror. To do this I've restructured the directory layout so that all ISOs are found under slackware/slackware-iso/ after advice from the Slackware Mirror Admin. 
07. Nov. 2013: Slackware 14.1 released! Get it here!
29. Sep. 2012: Slackware 14.0 released!. You can get it from here!
28. Apr. 2011: Slackware 13.37 released! Enjoy!
17. Oct. 2010: New hardware and new IP (+ IPv6). The server is now a Dell R710 with 2x dual-core Xeon 2.27GHz CPUs, 72GB memory, dual SAS-controllers and Dell MD3000 SAS with 15x 1TB drives, with 2x Gbit/s connection to the Internet.
27. May. 2010: Slackware 13.1 was released a couple of days ago. All ISO's are downloaded and available (also x64)!
28. Aug. 2009: Slackware 13.0 is released! Get it while its fresh!
10. Jun. 2009: Removed the "stable with patches" DVD ISO build. Why? Because people have a tendency to believe these are official ISO-releases - which they're not.
20. May  2009: Added Slackware64 to the current ISO build. Enjoy!
14. Feb. 2009: Fixed the current ISO build script to include 12.2 and not the old 12.1. Rebuilding now.
06. Oct. 2008: I've removed the current ISO build for CDs. It to much work to shuffle packages back and forth between the CDs. I've removed source/ from current DVD so it now actually fits on one DVD :-) Thanks Christian Dersch and Øystein Skogstad for the heads-up!
02. May  2008: Slackware 12.1 released. Mirror synced. Enjoy!
27. Jan. 2008: Rearranged the build-script so that each ISO are >700MB. Thanks to
03. Jul. 2007: Slackware 12.0 released. Mirror synced. Get it while it's fresh!
06. Jun. 2007: Moved "a" back to disc1 for those who want a minimal install. Thanks to richardhamelsmith at gmail com for the suggestion.
13. May  2007: The first two current CD-ISOs are to large. Fixed the build script - thanks to fbui at comcast net for the heads up). Also, changed the current ISO-build from Monday to Tuesday, since Pat usually publish changes on Monday. (Thanks to "werner" werner at copaya yi org for suggesting this.)
03. Nov. 2006: The current ISOs (built with split into three ISOs.
03. Oct. 2006: Slackware 11.0 is released! Be sure to read the "changes and hints" section. Fetch it from here.
18. Sep. 2006: The current ISOs were to large (again). Excluded "extra/aspell-word-lists" from disc #2 and moved "slackware/x" to #2. Thanks to "M Radanovich" for reporting.
17. Jul. 2006: The current ISOs (built with were to large. Reordered some package groups and excluded 'extra/linux-2.6*'. Thanks to Eugene Crosser for reporting. 
12. Dec. 2005: congratulates Pat and Andrea for their first child; Briah Cecilia!
15. Sep. 2005: Slackware release 10.2 including ISO's are available.
12. Sep. 2005: The "slackware-9.1-iso/" directory contains read-only files on the master mirror. This causes the mirroring-script to fail on - mirror at slackware com informed. Thanks to Terje Uriansrud for reporting.
15. Jun. 2005: Disc1 of the current build to large, - moved 'xap' to disc 2. Thanks to Nick Chackowsky for reporting.
06. Mar. 2005: Increased disk space to cope with current-ISO builds. Added older versions.
07. Feb. 2005: Slackware 10.1 released! Download ISOs or a (unofficial) DVD.
25. Jan. 2005: You can fetch Slackware 10.1 RC1 ISOs here:
19. Jan. 2005: is experiencing severe overload, which means it is very hard to get a free rsync slot, which basically means that did not get its updates. Switched mirroring to slackware's secondary push master ( Re-mirroring now.
01. Jan. 2005: Disc 2 of the current ISO is to large; excluding 'kdei/'
19. Dec. 2004: Pat made an update on his health condition in the Changelog. He is feeling much better as can be seen on the the number of updated packages! Great to have you back Patrick!
10. Dec. 2004: New hardware! Spheniscus is now an IBM eServer xSeries 445 with 4 x Xeon DP 3GHz CPUs, 8GB memory, dual FC-controllers, Nexsan ATAboy2 (SCSI) with 14x 120GB drives (approx. 1.7TB raw disk capacity) and Nexsan ATAboy2x (FC) with 14x 400GB drives (approx. 5.6TB raw disk capacity)
26. Nov. 2004: Patrick's health has not improved (read second posting in the changelog as of 25. Nov, first post here). My best wished to Patrick! Hopy you get well soon!
14. Oct. 2004: Added Slackware STABLE DVD (relase 10.0) to the ISO-build-script. It's being build every week to include the latest patches.
24. Jun. 2004: Slackware 10.0 released! ISOs available here.
18. May  2004: I updated the to create two install ISOs or one DVD. Download here!
22. Apr. 2004: is back in sync!
17. Apr. 2004: Experiencing difficulties to sync from Rsync has problems under high load, and right now ( is experiencing upto 100 in load (new hardware is underway). I've sat up a secondary mirror on you may use until this problem is sorted out.
16. Mar. 2004: Current ISO build is back. The current ISOs has to be build on another box and then copied over to this mirror. New build every Monday at 0600 CET! The build script is available here:
08. Jan. 2004: Moved from to Spheniscus is also ftp.(uio|uninett).no.
07. Jan. 2004: Kernelupgrade - reboot.
26. Dec. 2003: 'arg' was unreachable a couple of hours; the switch needed some beating.
23. Dec. 2003: New version of proftpd. Ftp-service had some downtime.
07. Oct. 2003: New server today! A huge thanks to Frode Olsen for the hardware! is now running on a Dell Poweredge 1300 including 2x500Mhz, Adaptec SCSI Raid controller and 512MB RAM.
29. Sep. 2003: Power outage in the basement. Core switch down.
27. Sep. 2003: Slackware 9.1 is up! (Thanks to Karl Mangus Kolstoe!) Removed 8.0 and 8.1.
23. Jul. 2003: Major change to the script - added two ISO's; one containing everything (inkl. kde, kdei, gnome and k), the other ISO is the official 'extra' + other packages from + more (java, kernel source, opera) - suggestions are welcome!
23. Jul. 2003: Those ISO's who don't have 'k' (kernel source), got 'noKernelSrc' bumped to their ISO name (Thanks to Lemonzest for the suggestion).
22. Jul. 2003: Power outage at the switch, so ascar was unreachable.
10. Jun. 2003: Minor modification to - excluding 'kdei' and 'k' to make the ISO's size acceptable.
01. Jun. 2003: Power outage at the switch, so ascar was unreachable.
28. Apr. 2003: Upgraded apache today; web was down a couple of minutes. But why RedHat?
28. Mar. 2003: Kernel-upgrade due to the flaw in ptrace, so a quick reboot was necessary.
21. Mar. 2003: The Official Slackware 9.0 ISO is here (thanks to Karl Magnus Kolstoe).
19. Mar. 2003: Slackware 9.0 is synced! The current-ISOs has been rebuild against Slackware-9.0. Enjoy!
18. Mar. 2003: Slackware 9.0 released. Check the rsync log to see when mirroring is complete!
13. Mar. 2003: Power outage - down a couple of hours
05. Mar. 2003: rsync loop and rsync log added
18. Feb. 2003: rsync is back at full capacity
13. Feb. 2003: rsync is back online (but with reduced capacity).
05. Feb. 2003: As reported at, the master rsync server ( has problems with some new hardware and rsyncd. has therefore disabled rsync for the moment - (which use rsync to be in sync) will not be in sync as long as this is the case.
04. Feb. 2003: unofficial current ISOs are now available using this script. New build every Monday at 0500 (CET) - use at your own risk!
27. Jan. 2003: A typo in the rsync script made the syncing from incomplete - fixed
11. Dec. 2002: ftp and rsync up and running.
10. Dec. 2002: was hardware-upgraded today. A couple of hours downtime.

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